11 Jul 2012

Edit Complex Inventor Positional Representations in Excel

Positional Representations capture kinematic "snapshots" of assemblies to allow for motion studies and evaluation of an assembly in various positions. Positional Representations are saved in the parent assembly and can be retrieved at any time for further analysis or modification.

They are often used in conjunction with flexible assemblies to both set a subassembly to a given kinematic state, and leave remaining degrees of freedom exposed to the parent assembly.

In a Positional Representation, adaptivity is deferred. Adaptive part features and assembly features do not update. Adaptive assemblies are implicitly flexible and update, but the results are not pushed down to the subassembly.

These Positional Representations can become very complex with multiple parts being overridden in the Representation at both top level and subassembly levels. One way to help Edit these complex Positional Representations in one place is to edit inside a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Here you can access values set in the Positional Representation in a tabular form, allowing entry of formula's in cells. Multiple cells can be selected and edited simultaneously, plus you can add new Rows.

Unlike iParts, the spreadsheet is not an embedded Excel document, but is only an editing environment.

To try this option for yourself, follow the steps below:
  • Open your assembly containing the Positional Representations.
  • Change the Model Browser to Representations

  • Then click the Edit Positional Representation Table button (small Excel spreadsheet symbol shown above)
  • You will then be taken into Excel, where you will find all of the parameters making up your Positional Representations

Note: You cannot add, remove, reorder, or edit Column headers, or delete Rows or Columns.

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